Guest Pager Charging Base – Stackable Charging for 30 Pagers



The LRS Guest Pager Charging Base efficiently charges up to 30 coaster-style pagers with its space-saving stacked design. This package includes two charging bases, each capable of holding 15 pagers, minimizing the storage footprint while ensuring seamless charging. A jumper wire is included to connect both bases, enabling operation with a single power supply for convenience and efficiency.


  • 2- Charging Bases (each holds 15 coaster-style pagers, charging up to 30 total)
  • 1- Jumper wire (connects both charging bases for streamlined power use)
  • 1- 12VDC Power Supply

Restrictions: All online orders are restricted for purchase and use within the USA and Canada only. LRS is not responsible for any product purchased via the web for use outside of the USA or Canada, warranty is voided for any product used outside of the USA or Canada.

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